

Hello 2016!

Hello... It's me...

All jokes aside, yes I am here writing another long overdue blog post.

As I was sat here editing a kind of 'Year in Review' video for 2015 I realised that one of the highlights I mention is my blog and how I fell in love with posting. I also realise that I didn't post nearly as much as I would have like to last year and that ain't cool!

Now I'm not the type of person to make resolutions but I think if I was to make any this year, it would be to make posting on my blog a more consistent and regular thing - like weekly regular! It's going to be a challenge - finding help with the photography, being able to shoot before losing the light and editing and writing these posts alongside everything I do for my YouTube channels - but I know I can do it!

It's safe to say that my blog has been a little neglected ever since I decided to create it, but I also know that I can count on you guys to help me change that! I'd love to know what you guys would like to see on my blog, aside from fashion posts as those are a no brainer. I'd also be super grateful if you guys could keep me on track and give me a little kick up the backside whenever I need it. I want to post at least once a week - but preferably twice if I can handle it.

I am so grateful for all the love and support that you guys show me and I just want to work harder to give back what I can through my content - so from the bottom of my heart thank you guys so much!
Let's make this year even more amazing than the last :)

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P.S. I hope you all had the most magical Christmas and a wonderful New Year


  1. My resolution is also blogging! Your blog is one of my inspirations and you definitely inspired me to start a blog, I just hope by 2016 I have atleast a small following as I really enjoy doing it, I just don't want it to be pointless lol! Hope to see more of your posts soon!!

  2. Girl! You are such an interesting soul and I think that those who can relate to you would be interested in whatever you blog about.. hence your following. <3 keep it up! Happy 2016!

  3. I'm glad you want to post more Tasha because I love your posts and your videos (as you know), I'm really into lifestyle posts at the moment so anything from your favourite London eatery to where you like to shop or even just what you got up to in the week. Can't wait to see more posts from you girl xxx

    DeeDee Louise

  4. I would love to see more daily posts, like what´s going on in Tasha´s life, some recipes on nice dinners, lunches, smoothies etc. and a monthly update on your fitness process and maybe tell us more about what you do in the gym if thats possible for you ofc!

    Can´t wait to read you blog more since I´ve really missed it!

  5. Definitely more lifestyle posts. And maybe just share some general thoughts on how you're feeling from week to week? Would love to see more "personal" posts.. nothing super deep, just from the mind/spirit of YOU!


  6. I am the same, I hate neglecting the blog but it can be very easily done sometimes! Main goal is to make time to sit and create this year. Look forward to seeing more posts from you lovely! Immy x
